Keep Wednesday March 20 open so you can join us for a guided Labyrinth Walk, Potluck Dinner, and Irish music concert.

Gather at 5 pm for the Equinox Labyrinth Walk at Earth Journey’s Memorial Labyrinth off Quintana Road. Earth Journey board member and Alice Bailey/Theosophy study group leader Francis Donald will offer a few words and then we will walk in silence (or with harp music of Talia Rose, fingers crossed!).

Around 6 pm, we will gather at Charles Dillon’s home for a potluck meal and the concert. (He will provide beverages only.) * See directions below.

Around 7 pm Talia Rose, Irish harpist, will begin the concert. A $20 contribution is requested, but you may give what you can if that is a hardship. RSVP is needed: Email Charles at

Talia will be joined by Raphael Weisman, a former resident of the Lorien community, founder of Harps of Lorien, and previous Earth Journey board member.

Talia Rose is a Celtic harpist, songstress and storyteller who has performed internationally. She also facilitates personal transformation through her gifts as a harp therapist, seer, and energy worker and leads group tours to the beautiful land of Ireland.

Raphael Weisman is a teacher and healer, and channel. He channels “The Shining Ones” and is a practitioner and trainer of “Heart Thread.” Raphael is a retired harp maker and has left that profession to be more fully available as a transformational channel of the Divine Wisdom of the Angels. Read more about him here.

  • Directions to Charles Dillon’s home: From Hwy 522 7 miles north of Questa, turn onto El Rito road (east), go about 4/10ths of a mile and turn left (north) on Lorien Road.  Then take the first turn right (east) on North Star Road and go to first house on right.  The sign says “60” (North Star Road).  Follow signs for parking.