The Herman Rednick Center—Herman’s house—is available for retreat. It is the studio and home of our founding teacher, the seed for root of all that has flowered here in the subsequent years. The vibration Herman carried—the fire in the heart—is palpable there, and his visionary paintings of the world of light line the walls. He bequeathed his house through his Trust* as a focal point for contemplation, inward-turning, and cultivation of the love that opens the door to the higher worlds. Following his wish, it is a place of refuge for those who resonate with this purpose. The Christ was Herman’s focus, and that quality of spiritual love, by any name, was embraced by Herman as the golden thread running through all paths. The house has an altar to the Christ and one to the Buddha side by side, and we welcome those dedicated to any path to the center within, the essence of love, light, and service. Herman’s life and quality were a gift while he was in form, and his writings, teachings, and paintings are continuing gifts, available at the house. The body passes away, but the mind and heart live.
*Herman Rednick Trust