Friday’s new moon begins the new lunar year of the Female Wood Snake. Please join us for practice, offering, celebration, and being together on this auspicious day. We are blessed that Lama Karma Chopal, our resident lama, is home from Asia and will lead us in the day’s special activities.
at KMG Stupa 10 AM hanging a few prayer flags
11 AM fire puja (til noon+)
at Herman House #40 (soon to be #28) Lorien Rd sunroom
2 PM potluck and joy. Lama will make momos!
Bring a dish to share, and your good wishes for the world. Offerings to the lama also welcome.
questions? contact Gabrielle
The year of the Wood Snake. The snake symbolizes wisdom, growth and renewal. She has the ability to shed her skin, which shows transformation. Paired with the wood element, there’s a sense of grounding for the year. Wood represents strength and growth. With the snake, wood creates a sense of adaptability and transformation.