july 1 teaching: Meeting the buddha (part 3)

MEETING THE BUDDHA in the Four Hallmarks of the His teachings:

All that is composite is impermanent

Everything defiled is suffering

All phenomena are empty and non-self

Nirvana is peace

Join us for a day of dynamic contemplative practice, including discussion session, guided meditation, and time for silent reflection. This is part 3 in a series: Meeting the Buddha in Non-Self.

Part 3

SCHEDULE: Saturday, July 1, 2023

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

1:30  – 3:00 pm

3:30 – 5:00 pm

(bring your lunch to enjoy outdoors)

LOCATION: Herman Rednick Center, 
40 Lorien Road, Questa, New Mexico

Presented by the Prajna Fire lamas, Karma Yeshe Chodron and Karma Zopa Jigme, from prajnafire.com. 

For location and other site information or to register in person, contact Vicki Duncan: vicduncan@icloud.com; (505) 692-0400. To register, click here.

Hosted by Kagyu Mila Guru Sangha, Earth Journe,y and Herman Rednick Trust

This is an in-person only event. Covid precautions apply.