WELCOME to this special Dharma offering and deep immersion! Hosted by Kagyu Mila Guru Sangha, Earth Journey, and Herman Rednick Trust WHEREHerman Rednick Center, 40 Lorien Road, north of Questa, NM WHATDynamic in-person practice intensive: Dharma talks * Discussion * Guided meditation* Individual practice * Silence during breaks All sessions need to be attended for … Read more

Chod teaching, June 28, 29

You are invited! by Kagyu Mila Guru Sangha, Earth, and Herman Rednick Trust to this Chod teaching by Fred Cooper on Friday June 28 and Saturday June 29, 2024. Chod is an Anuttarayoga in the Kagyu tradition and Anuyoga in Nyingma.  It is known as “cutting through the ego” practices  based on the Prajnaparamita sutras. … Read more

THIS SUNDAY, MAY 5, flags & Fire Puja! at kmgs stupa

You are invited! “Morning Fire Puja” or Riwo Sang Chöt, The Mountain of Burnt Offering, is a form of smoke offering made to all the Buddhas, Deities, Dharma Protectors and Dakinis. This powerful puja enables participants to accumulate merit and blessings. It helps purify our bad karma, sicknesses, and obstacles. It will be our great … Read more

Four deities teaching May 18-19

All are welcome to learn of this Shangpa Kagyu lineage Lha-Shi practice with Dr. Fred Cooper–A condensed unified practice of 4 essential deities in one mandala. WHERE: Herman Rednick Center 40 Lorien Rd, N of Questa, or Zoom SCHEDULE: Friday May 18 1-3 pm 3:30- 5:30 pm evening practice 7 pm Saturday May 19 9-11 … Read more

dr. fred cooper to teach july 13

The Herman Rednick Trust and Earth Journey have the great good fortune to host Dr. Fred Cooper to teach on the Lord Rangjung Dorje’s Aspiration  of the Mahamudra of Definitive Meaning prayer, during this 49-day period after Thrangu Rinpoche’s passing. LOCATIONThe Herman Rednick Center-Herman’s House, 40 Lorien Rd., Questa, NM 87556 SCHEDULE Thursday, July 13, 1 … Read more

july 1 teaching: Meeting the buddha (part 3)

MEETING THE BUDDHA in the Four Hallmarks of the His teachings:
 All that is composite is impermanent
 Everything defiled is suffering
 All phenomena are empty and non-self
 Nirvana is peace
 Join us for a day of dynamic contemplative practice, including discussion session, guided meditation, and time for silent reflection. This is part 3 in a … Read more

Dr. fred cooper to teach March 31-april 1

Dr. Fred Cooper is teaching Kutuzangpo’s Aspiration Prayer on March 31 and April 1, and you are invited! Please join us either in person or via Zoom at the Herman Rednick Center in Questa, New Mexico, for this teaching. Contact for the prayers to accompany the teaching, and the Zoom link. Dates: March 31 … Read more