WELCOME to this special Dharma offering and deep immersion!

Hosted by Kagyu Mila Guru Sangha, Earth Journey, and Herman Rednick Trust

Herman Rednick Center, 40 Lorien Road, north of Questa, NM

Dynamic in-person practice intensive:

Dharma talks * Discussion * Guided meditation* Individual practice * Silence during breaks

All sessions need to be attended for this intensive, see details on other requirements on Prajna Fire website.

Group Sessions (individual practice additional)

Friday, July 19
5:30 – 7:30 pm

Saurday, July 20
10 am – 7:30 pm (including breaks)

Sunday, July 21
10 am – noon

Sangha Tea to follow

Logistics questions and to register in person contact Vicki Duncan at or (505) 692-0400

Lodging in cabins and many campsites, take a look on our website. Request at info (at) earthjourney (dot) org

For further info & online registration scan QR code on image or visit Prajnafire website.

Sliding scales apply.
To the teachers, the range is from $54 to $216 for all three days.

To the hosting center, Earth Journey, your donations help us bring the teachers and are a needed part in maintaining the center. Donate at Earth Journey Retreat Center or at the event. To donate to the teachers, do so at the event or on their website..

No one turned away for lack of funds.

Karma Zopa Jigme and Karma Yeshe Chodron are American-born Kagyu practitioners and students of Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche for over 20 years, engaging in the study of Tibetan language and Buddhist philosophy, and the practice of intensive individual and group retreats throughout. In 2005, they became teachers and translators at the Rigpe Dorje Institute for International Students at Pullahari Monastery in Kathmandu, seat of the Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoches in Nepal, under the guidance of Drupon Khenpo Lodro Namgyal. In 2016, they successfully completed the three-year cloistered meditation retreat in the Karma Kamtsang lineage under the auspices of Kyabje Thrangu Rinpoche, at Vajra Vidya Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado, serving as translators for retreat master Khenpo Jigme and philosophy master Khenpo Lobzang alongside their intensive undertaking of seminal Karma Kagyu lineage practices. Yeshe and Zopa are passionate about sharing trustworthy traditional methods for transmitting experiential understanding of Buddhadharma with Western students.