Please join us for three days of Tibetan Buddhist aspiration prayers for all beings, led by Lama Karma Chopal Zanpo September 6, 7, and 8  at Kagyu Mila Guru Stupa.

Donations welcomed for our guiding lamas.

Friday 9/6
9 am Fire Puja
2-4 pm Monlam Prayers

Saturday 9/7
9-11:30 am Prayers
2-4 pm Prayers

Sunday 9/8
9-11:30 am Prayers
2-3 pm Closing Prayers and Offerings
3-5 pm Community Music and Potluck

Monlam means the path of aspiration and is a form of prayer. Here, it refers to the tradition of Monlam Chenmo, the great prayer gathering that has historically been part of Tibetan New Year celebrations for more than 600 years. During a Monlam, the participants recite prayers with the aspiration to liberate all sentient beings from suffering and for all to achieve enlightenment.

Over the last few decades, the Monlam tradition has been revived and greatly enriched. Multiple Monlams are now held at different times during the year in Tibet, India, Nepal, and Bhutan—each organized by one of the various Buddhist lineages or one of the large monasteries in those countries. Nowadays, Monlams are also held all over the world. In this way, the Monlam tradition is flourishing in a truly limitless and non-sectarian way.
-North American Sakya Monlam for World Peace

May all beings have happiness and the cause of happiness.
May they be free from suffering and the cause of suffering.
May they never part from the happiness that knows no suffering.
May they dwell in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion to things near and far.
Four Immeasurables

For cabin/camping: Michael at 575 586-1454

General info: Call or text Gabrielle at 575 770-1682 or
gabrielle (dot) herbertson (at)