Khenpo Lobzang teaching Four Dharmas of Gampopa July 27

The KMG Sangha of Earth Journey, and Herman Rednick Trust are delighted to host this teaching with Venerable Khenpo Lobzang Tenzin. Gampopa is the “sun-like” disciple of Milarepa, and his Four Dharmas are considered the quintessence of Lord Buddha’s teachings, in just four lines. Khenpo Lobzang is the spiritual director of Vajra Vidya Retreat Center in Crestone Colorado, Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche’s center in America. We feel so blessed that he will be with us for this day and invite you to join us.

Je Gampopa

Herman Rednick Center 40 Lorien Road, north of Questa NM

Saturday July 27
10:30 a.m.– noon
Potluck lunch
1:30 – 3 p.m.

$15-20 per session; $30-40 for the day.
Donations are given to the teacher, and help us continue to offer invaluable teachings on the spiritual
path. Please give what you can. No one turned away for lack of funds.

If you have symptoms of illness, please do not come this time.

THE TEACHER           
Khenpo Lobsang Tenzin was born in Bhutan in 1969. He entered the monastery at the age of 9.  At 22 he entered shedra, completed the 5-year course of study, became Khorpon, then Lopon, and in 1996 Khenpo. He received full ordination in 1985 from Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche. For ten years he was Director of Vajra Vidya Institute in Asia. He has studied in all four lineages, is a Rime scholar, and teaches warm-heartedly from the synthesis of Buddhist lineages. In 2004, Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche appointed him as the principal Professor and Director of all his monastic colleges. He teaches at all Thrangu Rinpoche’s centers worldwide. In 2009 he studied English at Oxford. In 2013, Khenpo Lobzang left India to join retreat master Khenpo Jigme of Vajra Vidya Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado, Kyabje Thrangu Rinpoche’s seat in the United States. The two Khenpos completed overseeing Vajra Vidya’s inaugural Kagyu traditional three-year retreat.

Currently, as spiritual director of Vajra Vidya, he supervises and teaches visiting retreatants and local sanghas, and continues his efforts to preserve and spread the precious teachings of the Buddha. Khenpo Lobzang and Khenpo Jigme are two jewels on the mountain to the north, almost visible from our center. How grateful we are for Khenpo Lobzang’s kindness in coming to us with these teachings!

For a fuller account of Khenpo’s accomplishments, click here.

For more about the great Gampopa, click here.

FOR MORE INFORMATION contact info (at) or Gabrielle at (575) 770-1682.